Topp Herefords Bull Sale
February 9, 2024 • 1pm CST • Grace City, North Dakota

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245 Hereford Bulls Averaged: $13,982
High Selling Hereford Bull: Lot 152, $46,000
Congratulations to the Topp Family!!
Hereford Bulls raised in North Dakota and Oklahoma. There are 12 fall-born bulls born in Oklahoma are TH(Topp Herefords) Sired.
Congratulations to the Topp Family!!
Hereford Bulls raised in North Dakota and Oklahoma. There are 12 fall-born bulls born in Oklahoma are TH(Topp Herefords) Sired.
Common Sense Approach To Genetic Cattle Excellence
Sound, Dependable, Proven Genetics.
Topp Herefords progressive, no-nonsense approach produces herdsire bull genetics that are deep, balanced and high quality — in large contemporary groups.
Real-World Data PLUS Genomics & EPDs
Utilizing the powerful tools of beef cattle genomic testing and EPDS while infusing real-world data enhances Topp Herefords to improve your profitability. Fed cattle performance data, direct feedback from semen companies and documented results from clients. This guides our Topp Herefords breeding decisions to what is making money in commercial production cattle herds.
- Large numbers of ET (Embryo Transfer) and AI siblings are utilized for consistency.
Topp Herefords Cow Herd Core Values
Cow herd decisions are more accurately made utilizing valuable data paired with real world tests of our herd’s ability to produce profit. These foundation Topp Herefords core values for the cow herd are added into the equation along with genomics and EPDs.
- Cow Udder Quality at calving.
- Soundness in cow mobility and disposition.
- Fertility within a 45-day breeding season.
- Pounds Weaned by calf produced.
Marketing Programs For Topp – Sired Calves
Feeder Calf Marketing: Capture the added value of your TH(Topp Herefords) sired calf crop through a variety of Topp Herefords alliance programs. Multiple marketing options suited for your operation’s needs including:
- Conventional Bids—forward contracts, retained ownership, spot pricing. Verified natural/NHTC-forward contract, spot pricing.
- Buyer Support at sale barns and video auctions.
- Replacement-quality heifer solutions.
- Premium Pricing buy-back program for replacement quality F1 heifers sired by Topp Herefords bulls.
In six years, Topp Herefords has purchased back over 11,000 head of TH(Topp Herefords) sired replacement quality heifers. We encourage you to ask about Topp sired calf programs and opportunities to maximize the addition of Topp Herefords into your program.
At Topp Herefords, we bring all of the available tools together with experience, disciplined selection, and sound fundamentals to deliver you consistent, premium-quality Hereford genetics. ~Ryan Topp, Topp Herefords
Topp Herefords Bull Sale Details
Sale Date: February 9, 2024 at 1pm CST
Sale Location: Topp Herefords, 1157 83rd Ave NE, Grace City, North Dakota 58445
Online Live Bidding: Prior to Sale Day see page 2 of Topp Herefords Bull Sale catalog to ensure account setup and registration.
- Northern Livestock Video.
- Superior Livestock Video.
- Sale Order & Performance Data Sheets HERE