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Pederson Broken Heart Ranch: Red Angus Bull Sale

Sale Details & Offering

Date: March 5, 2025 • Time: 2pm CST
Location: At the Ranch • Firesteel, South Dakota














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Pederson Broken Heart Ranch Cattle Red Angus Bulls Ranch Channel 2025 Old Feature

Sale Offering:

Red Angus Bulls

90 Bulls

Raised in South Dakota


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SAVE THE DATE: Red Angus Bull Sale

Make plans now for our 47th Annual Pederson Broken Heart Red Angus Bull Sale offering top quality Red Angus genetics! The sale will be held on March 5th, 2025 at the ranch located in Firesteel, South Dakota. We encourage and welcome you to visit our ranch prior to view bulls, our progam or reachout to learn how we can improve your herd’s success.

Bull Sale Date: March 5th, 2025

Location: At the ranch • Firesteel, South Dakota


Our unwavering philosophy at Broken Heart Ranch is “staying consistent” and selecting for a balanced set of traits in our red angus cattle herd. We prioritize femininity, maternal instinct, structural soundness, and muscle development in our breeding program. Our bulls, weaned in October, have weathered the cold spells and negative wind chills with resilience. All bulls will undergo carcass ultrasound evaluation in late February, and Oahe Vet will palpate and scrotal measure with results available on our website as well as a data performance sheet on sale day. The bulls will not be semen tested due to their younger age, however Broken Heart Ranch stands behind when the time arrives prior to breeding.

Broken Heart Ranch takes immense pride in the significant role our genetics play in highly regarded commercial programs, known for offering top-selling replacement quality females and steers that consistently excel. Your success motivates us to meticulously select and breed cattle that surpass industry standards. The enduring popularity of the Red Angus breed shows no signs of decline, with heifers outselling steers and numerous breed associations favoring Red Angus females for crossbreeding initiatives.

This year, all Broken Heart Ranch offerings are red angus parent verified with GGP testing for enhanced EPDs, ensuring transparency and accuracy in genetic information. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued customers. We invite our customers and new interested parties, to engage with us as you navigate herd sire bull selections and genetic improvement. With our guidance and support, together, we can achieve your desired end-product goals while upholding the standards of excellence that define the Broken Heart Ranch Red Angus program.


Welcome to our 47th Annual Broken Heart Ranch Bull Sale, providing high-quality A1 Red Angus to . In 1961 Ralph and Helen Pederson, purchased their first Red Angus females from Beckton Stock Farm. A little over six decades have gone by but we still have the same philosophy of raising Red Angus Cattle and Quarter Horses – using balanced selection to breed and raise livestock that work on our customer’s ranches and ours. We have been fortunate to have several repeat customers who have purchased cattle from us annually since that very first sale.


Bull selection is never an easy task, please feel free to ask any questions about these herd sire bulls. Broken Heart Ranch will help you select red angus bulls with the desired traits you would like to improve your cattle program and help you get to your end-product goal.

Thank you for considering using Broken Heart Ranch red angus genetics in your program, and we invite you to join us at the ranch and encourage inquiring to learn even more on how our bulls can enhance your program.

The Pederson Broken Heart Ranch.

Gary & Sue Pederson

Chad, Lisa & Bricelyn Pederson

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