Isa Beefmasters L Bar Lasater Annual Beefmaster Bull Sale
Sale Details & Bull Sale Report
Date: October 5, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM CDT
Location: Producers Livestock Auction • San Angelo, Texas






Bid Online
82 Beefmaster Bulls Sold
24 & 18-month-old Beefmaster bulls
High Selling Lot: L Bar 3129, $25,000
2nd High Selling Lot: L Bar 2503, $17,000
Beefmasters largest one-brand sale, brought to you by the 4th and 5th generations of the family that founded the breed.
Beefmaster bulls raised in Texas.
Each October, Isa Beefmasters hosts the largest single-brand Beefmaster bull sale, now into its fifth generation by the pioneering Beefmaster breed founder Tom Lasater family. Held annually for over 60 years on the first Saturday of October, this event features about 100 elite L Bar Beefmaster bulls, representing the top 33% of weaned bull calves. Don’t miss your opportunity to purchase the best bulls produced by Isa Beefmasters! Buyers from across the U.S., Mexico, and South America attend this renowned international event. To learn more about our BULLS and our L Bar cattle program click HERE.
The Isa Beefmaster sale format is designed to be the most user-friendly in the industry. We offer bulls in two age groups—coming twos and two-year-old bulls—arranged in descending order of quality. Bulls are penned and cataloged in sale order, allowing buyers to target sections of the sale corresponding to their budget without flipping through the catalog. We handpick the first 45 bulls as suitable for registered cattle herds.
As the sale progresses, prices decrease, enabling volume buyers to “average down” throughout the event. With excellent quality bulls available from start to finish, buyers can simply exclude those that don’t meet their needs and use their target average price to determine their purchases. Avoid common mistakes by starting to buy early in the sale and selecting enough bulls to choose from. Always review the bulls from the bottom up to make informed decisions.
Tom Lasater, a cattle rancher from eastern Colorado, developed the Beefmaster breed in the early 1930s in South Texas. His goal was to create a more productive cattle breed capable of generating income during tough economic times. Lasater systematically crossed Hereford and Shorthorn cows with Brahman bulls, although the exact mix remains unknown. The Beefmaster breed is named for its ability to thrive in the harsh brush country of South Texas.
Beefmaster cattle, the first American composite breed, were officially recognized by the USDA in 1954. Today, Beefmaster Breeders United stands as the fifth-largest breed registry in the United States. Beefmasters are composed of approximately one-half Bos Taurus (Hereford and Shorthorn) and one-half Bos Indicus (Nelore from Brazil, Gir, and Guzerat from India). Since closing his herd in 1937, Lasater introduced no outside genetics into the Foundation Herd. Over the past 85 years, intense selection for economically important traits has created a homozygous beef breed with the explosive growth potential of a hybrid.
Beefmasters are completely unique in that they are the only beef breed with a guiding production philosophy. These principles are called the Six Essentials, and they give us a road map by which to maximize production efficiency and improve our cattle. What are the Six Essentials?
- Disposition—Gentle cattle are cheaper to manage, sell better, breed better, feed better and calve easier.
- Fertility—This is the first among equals and the cornerstone of philosophy. Cows that do not have a calf every single year are not economically viable.
- Weight—Of obvious importance—ranchers sell pounds. Weight is another highly heritable trait. We select for cattle that produce optimum (not necessarily maximum) weight with minimum input.
- Conformation—This refers to the visual appraisal of a live animal with regard to carcass merit. We select for long, trim, well-muscled bulls, and smooth, feminine cows that meet industry demands.
- Hardiness—It is critical for cattle to be able to thrive under tough conditions. Beefmasters excel in calf livability, low death loss, low maintenance costs and resistance to disease and parasites. Beefmasters have proven to be hardy, able to survive in the heat of the humid, insect-heavy tropics and the harsh, extremely cold winters of mountain areas.
- Milk Production—Next to genetics, milk production is the single most important factor in weight. When asked to describe the perfect cow, Tom Lasater said, “She’ll look like a cow that gives a hell of a lot of milk.”
Contact ISA Beefmasters
For more information about Beefmaster bulls for sale, the herd genetics, philosophy or how Beefmaster cattle can advance your operation, call (325) 656-9126 or visit our website HERE,
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We look forward to seeing you in San Angelo, Texas!
We completed the performance test and put the bulls in sale order on September 11th.
We have the final catalog, in sale order, and containing the complete performance data.